Ghosts, Goblins and Ghouls. Oh My!
Posted by marc Tremblay on
Halloween is a fun, exciting, even thrilling holiday…for humans. Although you might enjoy being frightened during the spooky holiday, your fur baby can become stressed out, anxious and some of the traditions surrounding Halloween can actually put your pet in danger. We’ve provided some tricks and treats to help your fluffy carnivore join in on the fun of the holiday, without any of the ghoulish threats.
Trick #1 – Dressing your pet in a costume could be a fun way to include your dog or cat in the festivities. To ensure the experience is just as enjoyable for your pet, purchase and try on Halloween costumes in advance of the big day. If the costume comes in more than one piece, try out pieces one at a time, rewarding your pet with treats and praise. Allow your pet to adjust to wearing the costume by leaving it on for short periods of time. Make sure the costume isn’t too tight, preventing your pet from hearing, breathing, moving, or cutting off circulation to any limbs. Likewise, you don’t want the costume to be too large as it could restrict eyesight or cause your pet to trip and fall. If your pets become aggravated with costumes or develops any sort of skin reaction, you could opt for a festive bandana, Halloween collar, or allow them to enjoy the ghostly event au naturel.
Trick #2 – Keep the candies, chocolates, and lit pumpkins away from furry family members! Those treats that are delicious for humans can be poisonous and even fatal if consumed by dogs or cats. This includes candies sweetened with Xylitol, and all varieties of chocolate. Symptoms could include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and seizures. Candle lit Jacko lanterns also pose a threat to pets who enjoy the smell and taste of pumpkin. As they could be drawn to the look and smell of pumpkin, not only do pets run the risk of getting burned by an open flame themselves but a fallen candle could cause a house fire. To keep your pets and home safe, try lighting your pumpkin with a battery-operated light instead of a traditional candle.
Trick #3 – Keep cats and dogs comfortable in a quiet area of the house on Halloween night. If you’re participating in the festivities there will be trick-or-treaters coming and going, causing doors to the outside to be frequently opened. All of the masks and monsters coming to and from your home could be very scary for your pets. Some pets might become aggressive at the sight of strangers, or the frantic activity could cause a scaredy cat or dog to bolt outside before you can stop them. On a night when the streets are filled with strangers, trying to find a lost loved one would be a nightmare for any pet owner and can be avoided.
Trick #4 – Check ID tags in preparation for the evening. Though a Halloween costume is not a necessity, a collar with an up-to-date identification tag is highly recommended. Should you lose your cat or dog during the hustle of Halloween night, ID tags will ensure your pet can be identified and if found by a Good Samaritan, safely returned home. Use Halloween as an annual reminder to check your pet’s ID tags, making any necessary changes to contact information and tightening lose tags to your pet’s collar. A microchip is a more permanent and reliable solution you may want to consider for your pet’s safety and your own peace of mind.
Treat! To help keep your pet calm during Halloween night and leading into the busy holiday season, try LICKS Calming Formula. Our Dog Zen Calming formula provides support for your dog in times of environmentally induced stress such as house guests, thunderstorms, fireworks, travel, vet visits, kennels, shelters, or general pet anxiety. This easy-to-use calming formula is fast acting, working in just 30-40 minutes and promotes calmness in dogs for 4-6 hours. *As our treat to you, use discount code TREAT on check-out or mention this blog for a discount on LICKS Calming Formula.
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